Sky News has obtained figures which suggest a rising number of landlords are steering clear of benefit claimants over fears of non-payments.
The data from the National Landlords' Association shows the number of landlords letting to people on benefits has halved to just one in five.
And 52% of landlords say they would not even consider letting to someone on benefits because of those who do, seven out of 10 have experienced rent arrears in past 12 months averaging £3,000 each.
Sky's political correspondent Anushka Asthana said: "The Government's flagship welfare reform forces people to budget by paying their benefits in one monthly lump sum.
"It has been dogged by difficulties amid accusations of weak management and a timetable that keeps on slipping.
"Now fears are rising about the human consequences of this massive reform."
Ministers claim the initial roll-out of Universal Credit - which combines six means-tested benefits into one monthly payment designed to ensure people are better off working than on benefits - has been a success.
They point to figures suggesting it is encouraging more people to look for jobs in what Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith described as a "cultural shift".
But critics say the limited implementation of the scheme - which has been plagued by IT and other problems - only involve the least challenging cases.
And it was branded "inadequate" and open to fraud in a scathing report by a cross-party committee.
The Commons public accounts committee found that at least £140m had already been wasted on the project, which was blighted by "alarmingly weak" management.
Mr Duncan Smith has admitted the 2017 target for the full introduction of Universal Credit is set to be missed - with around 700,000 claimants facing a longer wait.
He will face fresh questions from MPs this afternoon over the scale of delays to the welfare reform.
Labour said official figures from the Office for Budget Responsibility showed that only a tiny fraction of the numbers due to be using the new system by the time of the next general election would be transferred on time.
It added that only a "handful" of the promised 1.7 million would be switched by 2014/15 and only 400,000 by the following year - less than 10% of the original target.
:: Watch Sky News live on television, on Sky channel 501, Virgin Media channel 602 and Freeview channel 82
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